
We are a vibrant community of physically active individuals, united by the shared goal of sober living and dedicated to fostering an environment of healing and recovery.

Our Mission

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At Devin's Rec Room, our mission is to build and nurture a supporting community of physically active people, united by the principles of sober living, and dedicated to creating an environment of healing and recovery.

We believe in the power of community and the profound impact it can have on the journey to sobriety. By providing a space where individuals with 48 consecutive hours or more of sobriety can come together, we create a safe and welcoming haven where genuine connections are forged, and lasting friendships are formed.

Through our diverse range of physical activities, we aim to harness the transformative power of movement and exercise. We recognize that an active lifestyle not only contributes to physical well-being but also plays a vital role in mental and emotional healing. By engaging in group workouts, hiking adventures, yoga sessions, and more, our members discover new strengths, boost their self-confidence, and cultivate a positive mindset.

Our Inspiration

Devin's Story

Devin Brigham's story is a heartfelt and poignant one, filled with love and the struggles that many young individuals face. Born to Henry Brigham and Nancy DeJohn, and embraced by his step-parents Barbara Brigham and Raymond DeJohn, Devin was fortunate to grow up in two incredibly nurturing households. His younger siblings, Cristina and Caleb, adored him just as much as he adored them. Their bond was truly special.

Throughout his childhood, Devin experienced the joys and challenges that are part of any typical upbringing. He was a vibrant and active kid, immersing himself in sports like lacrosse, baseball, and football from elementary school through high school. Devin, like many teenagers, began to experiment with alcohol and marijuana. Recognizing the potential impact of Henry's genetic predisposition for addiction, his parents remained incredibly vigilant, always on the lookout for any signs of substance use. When they discovered Devin's experimentation, they did everything in their power to intervene including professional counseling and even resorting to "tough love" tactics. While these interventions offered temporary relief, Devin eventually returned to using.

Devin Brigham

When he turned sixteen and against his parent’s wishes, Devin declared himself an independent minor so he could move out of the house to take care of and help his girlfriend get out of an extremely difficult home situation. He promised his parents he would stay off drugs and stay in school. Unfortunately, he could do neither. At 17 years old and trying to get work, he met a group of people who gave him a part time job and preyed on his naivety. They led him further into experimenting with drugs and they eventually introduced him to heroin, to which he quickly became addicted.

Burdened by the shame and societal stigma associated with addiction, Devin concealed his struggle from those closest to him, including his own family. Aware of the imminent danger he faced but unwilling to admit the depth of his predicament, he attempted to detoxify himself without success.

Tragically, in 2001, just three weeks after his eighteenth birthday, and after yet another failed attempt to quit on his own, Devin succumbed to an overdose. Several days later, with his heartbroken parents clasping his hands, he was gently released from life support. His parents later learned that Devin was one of nearly twenty people in the region who fell victim to what was then referred to as a "bad batch." His passing marked one of the earliest casualties in the ongoing modern-day drug crisis, a painful loss that still resonates in Central New York.

Although Devin's life was tragically cut short, his vibrant spirit, his unwavering love for others, and his belief in the power of personal transformation continue to live on through Devin's Rec Room. It stands as a testament to his enduring enthusiasm for life and his deep desire to make a positive impact on those around him.


Meet The Team

Henry Brigham, Founder



With more than thirty years in recovery from Substance Use Disorder, I'm acutely aware that the only day that really counts is today. And to be the best I can be, I need to be healthy mentally, physically and spiritually.

I found the joys of physical fitness relatively late in life. But, when I did, I quickly realized that living a healthier lifestyle greatly helped support the physical, mental and social aspects of recovery. Having personally experienced the horrors and seemingly hopelessness of addiction, I know that recovery can sometimes feel impossible.

But it isn't. 

As a Certified Personal Trainer, Nutrition and Addiction Recovery Coach, I see people achieve "the impossible" every day. I watch as they do things they were convinced they would never be able to do and achieve goals they never thought they would. I created Devin's Rec Room to help support my brothers and sisters in recovery by offering a safe, non-judgemental space where they can join their peers and rediscover their inner warrior. If my experience in recovery and fitness has taught me anything, it is this:

Together we are stronger.

Our Board

Board President
Russ White

Supervisor, Bankers Life


Board Vice President
Kristopher Wadsworth

Unit Sales Manager, Bankers Life


Board Secretary
BARBARA Brigham, M.S. C.A.S.

Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing


Governance Committee
Ashley Franczak

Property and Casualty Practice Leader, USI Insurance


Finance Committee
Matt Fahey

VP, Human and Social Services practice, USI Insurance Services


Fundraising Committee
Emily Moore

Director Central Region Prevention Resource Center


Social Media Committee
Rachael  Pipher

Billing Specialist
Bond, Schoeneck & King


Board Member

Family Support Navigator, Prevention Network CNY, 


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Board Member
Michelle Fontaine

VP  of Accounts, Visual Technologies; CPBC, Jeff Rogers Coach


Board Member
Dr. Meagan Leach PT, DPT

Owner, Return to Compete Physical Therapy


Board Member
Sean Leach, NASM-CPT, Pn1

Owner, Unrivaled Strength Academy


Help People in Need

Become a Volunteer Now

We're always looking for volunteers. Interested in getting involved? Reach out to us today to get started.

Coming Soon

New Location

We are in the process of acquiring and constructing a physical location that will feature a dedicated gym space. Soon, you'll have access to a supportive environment where you can work out and exercise while surrounded by a community that understands and supports your journey to wellness and recovery. You can help us make our gym location a reality.

Our Methodology

Eight Dimensions of Wellness

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) Wellness Initiative envisions a future in which people with mental or substance use problems pursue health, happiness, recovery, and a full and satisfying life in the community. Each individual’s path will be a bit different. Every aspect of wellness can affect a person’s life. Working toward all of them in one way or another is a great goal, because wellness relates directly to the quality of a person’s life.

Once constructed, Devin’s Rec Room will offer programs in each of these dimensions.

8 dimensions of wellness